Puppet Master mask can be made out of anything as long as it can hold a smartphone on a viewing spot and blocks out any other surrounding visuals.
For this mask we are going to use Google developed cardboard template which is free to download from the cardboard site. Fortunately we dont need magnets or lens holder so it will e simplified for what we need. For a more comfortable experience we will compensate the lack of the lenses (focusing in such a short distance) with extending the lenght of the mask body itself.
Supplies needed:
Cap should be with a flat beak if you don't want extra trouble. We have made it with a curved one and it also works when you build your cardboard with a curved topside. It looks awesome actually because where we live a curved beak is kind of loaded with meanings.
Start off by marking the stitching holes onto mask surface after what try to carefully penetrate the holes by those marks without stabbing yourself.
Place the mask under the peak of the cap. The right alignment is crucial for blocking any outer visual signals (crucial for puppet master) an for maximum wearing comfort. As of the sweet configuration make a test wearing to figure out how the mask fits to the cap the best.
Through the fresh holes inside mask mark the stitching holes onto the cap and also penetrate these as it could be harder to do it straight with the needle.
Connect the holes and stitch the two components onto each other. Preferrably in backstitch style.
There could be a problem of closing the lid of the mask because of peak blocking the velcro connections. Because we made all of our masks by hand we also find different solutions for closing the lid. Possible ones would be -stapling Velcro onto peak or -cutting the lid tight enought to fit inside the mask with the upper half.
You are now hands-free with your VR experience.